Amanda: L.I.T. in Mind and Spirit

Amanda: L.I.T. in Mind and Spirit


Amanda Muhammed is a Stress Management and Psychological Safety Consultant who  pends her days teaching accessible ways to take a preventative approach to stress management. She is a trainer and facilitator who provides life-changing tools to organizations, their leaders and their teams to ensure that wellness remains at the forefront of the work and the culture. 

What Amanda prioritizes to help her maintain her shine:
I believe that in order to have the things that I desire in my life, I have to be in alignment with those things. That being said, I prioritize feeling good. When I feel good, good things tend to happen and I believe it’s because I’m in a better space to get the ideas, maintain inspiration, and have the mental and physical energy necessary to keep going. In real life, this looks like monitoring the conversations and content that I’m taking in, creating and honoring my boundaries, and constantly attuning to my needs - understanding that they are ever-evolving.

Amanda's advice to women pursuing the lives of their dreams:
It is so easy to succumb to society’s expectations of what a “good life” looks like. My advice is to take time to really explore what a fulfilling life looks like to you and to do the deep work necessary to be okay with your vision. As you desire more for your life, whatever that looks like, limiting beliefs and subconscious blocks have a way of popping up and telling you that “you’re not deserving” or that “you’re asking for too much”. That being said, I consistently and unapologetically tweak the vision I have for myself as I learn more about what I do and don’t desire for my life. Then, I do whatever it takes to silence the unhelpful negative thoughts that show up. For me, some of those tools are somatic therapy, mindset coaching, meditation, and surrounding myself with others who want more for themselves and can challenge my perspective when needed.

Amanda’s stay-L.I.T. tip:
"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." - Maya Angelou

Amanda’s self-care type:
The Creator

Why we love her:
Amanda not only trains and teaches, but she lives the message of mindfulness. Her work is deeply rooted in her strong connection to herself and the purpose that she is called to. We love learning from her in both practical and 

Where to keep up with this L.I.T. and light-filled queen:

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