Ebony: Living L.I.T. and Staying Well

Ebony: Living L.I.T. and Staying Well


Ebony Williams is a wellness advocate, coach and entrepreneur who specializes in helping women overcome challenges and become more proactive in their self-care disciplines. With deep experience in health advocacy and strategy, Ebony has created a niche approach to wellness that considers the whole woman. Her coaching, self-care line and digital platforms help women become and remain advocates in their own lives.

What Ebony is most proud of about her journey:
I'm grateful for my resilience. Even with life's multiple twists and turns I'm grateful for growth.

Ebony's advice to women pursuing the lives of their dreams:
I would tell women that they MUST learn to trust their intuition and learn to recognize their gifts and talents. The world needs their unique skillset and even when others don't support you, you still have what it takes.

Ebony’s stay-L.I.T. tip:
Rest if you must, but just don't quit.

Ebony’s self-care type:
The Creator

Why we love her:
Ebony's knack for strategy and process makes her effective! She inspires us to tap into ourselves and our ability in ways we hadn't considered. She's an inspiration and light and we love her energy!

Where to keep up with this coaching powerhouse

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